Tooth Sensitivity can be frustrating, uncomfortable, and make it difficult to eat foods you love. But in order to address tooth sensitivity, it can be helpful to understand what causes it, so you can determine the best way to help tooth sensitivity.

1. Consider the Source

Understanding why your teeth are sensitive can go a long way to determining the best way to help tooth sensitivity resolve. Tooth sensitivity can often be the result of thin or worn enamel, exposing the dentin or roots of your teeth.

It can be in response to a growing cavity, a crack or even a worn out filling.
Teeth grinding can also exacerbate tooth sensitivity. Talking to your dentist can help. Your dentist may be able to examine your teeth or use imaging to determine what the cause of the sensitivity may be. Talking to your dentist is the first and most important step in resolving tooth sensitivity.

2. Use Fluoride Daily

Since tooth sensitivity is often due to worn enamel, encouraging strong healthy teeth is an important thing to do to prevent further sensitivity in other teeth.

Using fluoride can support strong enamel, and one easy way to do that is by using an ADA approved toothpaste that contains fluoride. You can also discuss other sources of fluoride with your dentist and what amounts would be appropriate. There are toothpastes that are also formulated to help tooth sensitivity be reduced. Your dentist can help you determine what kind would be the best for you and your situation.

3. Eat Well

Avoiding foods that will increase sensitivity may be one way to help tooth sensitivity decrease. Acidic foods and foods high in sugar are common culprits. Foods where the acid content and sugar content are high can be a one two punch making tooth sensitivity even more apparent. Avoiding energy drinks, soft drinks, and other foods that contain a combination of these things can help to reduce discomfort.

Instead eat foods that are lower in sugars and acid, and drink plenty of water. Let your dentist know if the sensitivity persists and is especially responsive to specific temperatures, as this can be helpful in determining the cause of the sensitivity.

Call our Greenbrier Dental Office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.

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